Blog Posts

Lessons for Life

Our blog articles uncover the pattern for guaranteed success found in scripture. Read the posts below and begin living the successful life you were created for.

Multidimensional Reality, Part 5

July 22, 2022

Jesus changed those who heard Him and who believed in him, who accepted, and who engaged in His message. He changed them radically. How did He change them? At the sound of His voice another dimension and its greater authority were engaged, and the reality of this present world and humanity’s present world experience were changed forever.

Multidimensional Reality, Part 4

July 15, 2022

In everything He did, and everywhere He went during the time while He was on the earth, Jesus personified the Kingdom of God through His representation and through His embodiment of the values, the principles, and the demonstrated precedents He displayed. Jesus modeled and represented the Kingdom of God vividly.

Multidimensional Reality, Part 3

July 8, 2022

The message of Jesus was completely and totally about the Kingdom realm, and the dominating power and conquering authority that are contained in this dimension that is provided to humanity by their having access to this dimension. We have access to the realm that Jesus operated in. He was declaring that this access was and is now available on the earth.

Multidimensional Reality, Part 2

July 2, 2022

Jesus's message was about engaging another level, another realm of reality where we have access to greater authority, and where greater power exists, now while we are presently on the earth. His desire is for us to experience this in our life while we are on our time journey, not just after our bodies die.

Multi-Dimensional Reality

June 24, 2022

Our lives are multi-dimensional. We live in a multi-dimensional world and universe. I believe most of us know that there are different dimensions or realms of reality that are operating around us continually. Astrophysicists and other scientists believe there are as many or at least ten different dimensions/realms that are operating in our lives on this planet at all times. Who really knows?

What Everyone Must Know

June 17, 2022

We must know who He is. Who He is to us, and who we are to Him. We must know that He made us special and unique, one of a kind. He gifted us with talents and abilities that come directly from Him. Our earthly lineage does not limit, nor does it restrict, His plans for us from being effective and from being fulfilled in our lives.

By the Finger of God

June 10, 2022

"But if I drive out the demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has [already] come upon you." - Luke 11:20.

The Kingdom System Relationship

June 3, 2022

Everything that our God, the Creator of all things, has created for our planet, operates within a System. As Creator, He designs everything that He creates, to operate within an interrelated, co-dependent System. For us to operate successfully we must identify and operate within the systems that we are provided by our Creator and our Designer.

Association and Influence, Part 3

May 27, 2022

Our beliefs must be established on a Culture that is based on Truth and does not change. Truth is not situational. It does not change with circumstances. As Citizens in the Kingdom of Jehovah God our Creator, we must not be swayed by the Kingdom of Darkness and what we see around us. Our Citizenship is of a nation whose government and its community and culture do not change.

Association and Influence, Part 2

May 20, 2022

How many traumatic experiences have you had because it was necessary to change an association? With whom we associate is very, very IMPORTANT. It influences and directs and determines our DESTINY, and the destiny of posterity.

Association and Influence, Part 1

May 13, 2022

Today, I challenge you to think about how you are spending your time, and with whom you are spending your time. Ask Holy Spirit God to speak to you, and give you insight into the ways you are spending time, and the people you are associating with. Open your heart to hear whether adjustments need to be made in your life.

Prosper in the Kingdom

May 6, 2022

How does the Mountain of Economy and/or Business function today in consideration of what the Kingdom System of our God declares is right and what is just? As a business person and entrepreneur all of my life, I have firsthand knowledge and experience on this Mountain. In the scriptures, there are many places where our God’s view on business is presented. Today we look at one example.