Engaging Heaven

Jesus's good news of a multidimensional power connection to heaven was earth shattering news -- both in His day and time, and to this very day. This powerful reality is both desirable and available to us right now in our world.
How important is our connection with this higher realm for our engagement with the greater authority that is there for the success that Jesus described, and that Jesus taught was to be our life experience now? It is essential.
We cannot achieve the success we are designed to enjoy unless we engage Heaven and Heaven’s realm. Most have resigned themselves to a lesser experience and live far beneath what Jesus describes as our life experience, and what Jesus declares to be who we are and what our experience is now on the earth.
Let’s look at His directions and instructions.
Matthew 6:33, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition:
"33 But seek ([a]aim at and strive after) first His kingdom (His realm and His authority) and His righteousness ([b]His way of doing and being right), and then all these things [c]taken together will be given you besides."
First, before anything else. That is how we are to seek the Kingdom. One translation says we are to be ravenously hungry for His government, for His rule, for His System, for His way of doing and being right. In reality, nothing else will provide the benefits that a living, breathing relationship of fellowship and communion with our Creator and our Designer brings to our life experience.