The KSAM Story
Who We Are
The Kingdom School and Ministry (KSAM) was founded as a training resource to help people discover their divine purpose and to live the successful meaningful life they were created to live!
The resources available through our organization are not about some theoretical religious system irrelevant to your life. They are relational, relevant, experiential resources that work and work now! The Kingdom System provides direction and understanding about your purpose for being alive, creates hope, and leads to a successful and fulfilling life.

Our Mission
Our mission is to answer humanity's quest for purpose, hope, and success. We are dedicated to sharing the values and principles of true success, and the good news of the kingdom of God.

Meet the Founder
Charlie Lewis is a businessman, entrepreneur, author and teacher who wrote a series of books that outline a plan for others to experience success and fulfillment in their life. Charlie is married to Fran, his best friend of more than fifty years, and has two sons, Zachary and Nicholas (married to Leah and Jennifer, respectively).
Charlie understands his true purpose in life to be that of making a positive impact in the world in tangible ways. For this reason, he has invested his own time and resources in multiple local, national, and international organizations that share his vision for creating lasting change and empowering people to improve the outcomes of their lives.