Blog Posts
Lessons for Life
Our blog articles uncover the pattern for guaranteed success found in scripture. Read the posts below and begin living the successful life you were created for.
The Kingdom Paradigm, Part Three
In my last blog, we explored how paradigms shape our worldview and influence the outcomes of our lives. In this final post of the series, we turn our focus to embracing the Kingdom paradigm — God’s way of doing and being right.
The Kingdom Paradigm, Part Two
The Power of Paradigms — What’s Shaping Your Worldview?
The Kingdom Paradigm
What Paradigm Are You Living From? Every human operates from a paradigm — a worldview shaped by beliefs, values, and assumptions. It’s the lens through which we interpret life, make decisions, and respond to the world around us. But have we ever paused to ask: Is the paradigm we’re living from the right one?
OUT NOW: The Kingdom System, Revised and Expanded
The newly revised, updated, and expanded version of The Kingdom System is out and available now! Find out why we chose to re-release the book now, and what you will find in this new edition.
Thoughts on Government, Part Five : Self-Government
When we self-govern using the unchanging Word of our God as our guide for our conduct and for our behavior -- and not accepting the destructive provisions of the governments of this world -- everyone wins.
Thoughts on Government, Part Four
Most of humanity is not aware that there is another system, another choice for our governance. But there is a correct choice to the alternative systems of this world: the Kingdom System of our God.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from the Lewis Family and all of us here at Kingdom School and Ministry!
Thoughts on Government, Part Three
How do we interject eternity into our runaway government and the governments of this world?
Thoughts on Government, Part Two
The Kingdom of God is in reality God’s redemptive totalitarian system without the corruption of the systems man and the kingdom of darkness have manufactured and offered through the history of man and even today - Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Humanism, and Socialism.
Happy Thanksgiving 2024
The words 'thank,' 'thanks,' and their variations are used 139 times in the King James Version of the Scriptures. In the New Living Translation they are used 168 times. If it is mentioned that many times by our Creator and our God, then we must determine why it is used, how that pertains to us as Humanity, and how this understanding impacts us as Humanity.
Thoughts on Government, Part One
What would it look like for Government to operate from the perspective of eternity and eternalness?
Relationship Through Fellowship
Last week we talked about the vital importance of fellowship with our Creator, and this week we continue with this theme. It simply cannot be overstated: time, fellowship, and intimacy with our Designer are what humanity needs, and what He desires as well.