Multi-Dimensional Reality

Our lives are multi-dimensional. We live in a multi-dimensional world and universe.
I believe most of us know that there are different dimensions, or realms, of reality that are operating around us continually. Astrophysicists and other scientists believe there are as many as, or at least, ten different dimensions/realms that are operating in our lives on this planet at all times. Who really knows?
Often these dimensions are called realms and identify other levels of realities that are operating in our life experience that we may not be able to visually see. But what is for certain is that there is more than just the physical plane that we can see, touch, and feel and the dimension that can be measured by length, depth, height, and by time.
What we may have failed to recognize is that this was a primary message of Christ when He was on the earth. It is also very clear, yet often overlooked and misunderstood, that the message of Christ was about another dimension of life that He Himself had brought to the earth for humanity to understand, to engage, and to experience. He called this dimension, or realm, the Kingdom of God.
What does this mean? How do we engage the realm Christ spoke so much about? How did Jesus engage this Kingdom realm? What we are aware of and what we do understand is that to be born again, we must engage and connect with this realm where our spirit experiences the new birth. That's where it begins.
Over the next few weeks, we will begin to explore this multi-dimensional reality in greater depth. I believe it is entirely possible to engage and take hold of the Kingdom realm that Jesus talked about, and I hope you will join me on the journey to understand this.