Blog Posts
Lessons for Life
Our blog articles uncover the pattern for guaranteed success found in scripture. Read the posts below and begin living the successful life you were created for.
Time for Change
Where is the Kingdom person, the one who will prophesy the Word of the Lord today? I declare and I decree that that person(s) is already present, on the scene, and ready to act to restore the Government of Heaven, the Government of our God to its rightful place to replace the evil systems of this world. The present evil systems that rule in our world will be replaced.
Freedom for the Captives
We must destroy the prison that has other humanity bound and confined. We must declare freedom to all who are oppressed and liberty to those who are bound. It is not enough just to experience freedom for ourselves. We must be about our Father’s work of destroying all of the works of our enemy, the defeated Satan.
Authority for Change
The world is under the influence and the control of the Kingdom of Darkness. With the fall of Adam and Eve, Humanity gave their authority to Satan, and he now controls these components of our society. But we must then know that God Himself came to the earth as Jesus Christ, and bought our freedom from the oppression of these illegitimate rulers and restored our authority and dominion.
An Outside Force for Change
How much do we want Government and our Legal System to change to reflect the Government of our God? How much pressure/force are we applying? How do we apply the pressure that becomes a force?
Kingdom Justice
Adam and Eve chose the Law over relationship. They reasoned in their minds that the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong would make them like God, and they would have the power to rule their own lives. That did not work then, and it does not work now. They chose to substitute what is “right” for what is “legal”.
The Kingdom Perspective: Self-Governing
How does the Government of Heaven, the Government of our God operate properly in the earth? How do we bring the Government of Heaven to the earth? We begin by realizing that we and our system are designed so that we self-govern.
The Kingdom Perspective: Leave Religion Behind
Religion is the expression of the rules and the regulations that man has composed in order to judge whether or not we are following/adhering to the things that they ascribe as important, so that we comply and fit into or belong to their group. This is not our God’s correct way of doing and being. Our God is not religious, and His Word is not religious. Our God and His Word are both relational.
The Kingdom Perspective: 7 Mountains of Culture
Which mountain of culture has our God specifically created you to go and impact? What powerful "God-tools" has He placed in your hand in order to destroy the lies and deceptions of the Defeated Satan, to bring freedom to captives, and to build His Kingdom right here on earth?
The Kingdom Perspective: Building for Eternity
Are we building our eternity or are we building an experience that will expire with time? Are we building a Kingdom life, or a life kingdom?
The Kingdom Perspective: Before Here
How and what we were designed and programmed to be, and what we are to accomplish, is written for us before we are born by our Creator and our Designer. In all of the specific and unique areas of our lives, we must approach how we think, what we believe and how we choose to act from this vantage point.
Kingdom Church, Part 6
How do we reform our churches into Kingdom churches? How do we move past a counterfeit reality and back into a Kingdom-first reality? I believe the answers to these questions, and so many others, can be found in our Constitution, the Word of God.
Kingdom Church, Part 5
Have we lost our way? Have we left our Kingdom-First charge and accepted a substitute from the Mountain of Religion that is controlled and that is a development of the kingdom of darkness? Are we building Kingdom Churches or Church Kingdoms?