Multidimensional Reality, Part 2

The challenge for those who heard Jesus when He when He was on the earth and taught the awareness of multi-dimensional reality in person was that they were relating what He taught to the physical, tangible dimensional realm of their lives. They were not considering the depth of the multi-dimensional reality of the experience that Christ presented.
I am not sure that we today understand the purpose and the impact of His multi-dimensional teachings in our relationships with Christ, His kingdom, and with humanity. His teachings were completely and totally about their life experience now on this level, but it was more than that, much more.
His message was about engaging another level, another realm of reality where we have access to greater authority and where greater power exists, now while we are presently on the earth and experiencing in our life while we are on our time journey.
I am personally inspired and encouraged by the presentation and the translation of scripture in Luke 11 where when Jesus was casting out demonic spirits, and where He was accused of operating in the demonic realm. Jesus replied to the accusations and said, “if I do this by the finger of God, (if this is done by the power of God) then the Kingdom of God has arrived and is available to you.”
Jesus declared that when He performed miracles, He was engaging the kingdom realm and He was displaying His and our authority over the forces of the kingdom of darkness. He definitively declared on another occasion that He has given those who believe in and follow Him, the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all of the power of our enemy, the defeated Satan.
My hope is that you realize today that you can access the dimension of heaven -- the Kingdom realm today! You don't have to wait until your body dies and your time journey ends to experience the eternal life Jesus constantly spoke of.