Multidimensional Reality, Part 4

The Kingdom realm, and the reality of humanity’s access to this realm -- yours and mine -- was the central theme and the primary message of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel (God with us) when He was on the earth. He clearly presented that the Kingdom was another dimension of life that was active and is available on the earth presently, right now at this time, and not something we have to wait to gain access to later, or in the sweet by and by, but right now, presently.
He further explained that this was the dimension where the power that He operated in while He was on the earth exists, and where His power comes from. He was clear that now He was giving humanity access to this dimension through their belief in Him, through their trust in Him, and through their faith in His Word now.
This was way over the top for the citizens of the Roman Empire. This was a scary proposition for them. The earthly government of Rome did not look favorably on there being a greater power operating in their territory on the earth. This was very difficult and extremely challenging for them to grasp. The concept of a present, active Kingdom that existed now on the earth where they had access to and where they could engage power, and what represented for them another level with a greater reality of dominion and authority that was even greater than that of Rome? Greater than the world they could see, touch, and feel? And, that they could access this power, this authority, this kingdom now, and from anywhere? This was too unreal, too unbelievable, and this reality was not tangible enough for them to grasp. The life experience in the nasty here and now environment of Rome was much too evil, much too corrupt, and way too out of their control. This was dangerous.
What was Jesus saying? Was He really implying that He was presenting a kingdom whose power was greater than that of Rome? How will Rome respond? Does this sound familiar?
Yet unquestionably, that was the message of God Himself when He was on the earth as Jesus Christ. This was exactly what the complete life and the total ministry of Jesus demonstrated and displayed on the earth when He was on His time journey in all His actions. Everything He did, and everywhere He went during the time while He was on the earth, He personified the Kingdom of God through His representation and through His embodiment of the values, the principles, and the demonstrated precedents He displayed. Jesus modeled and represented the Kingdom of God vividly. Jesus illustrated and personified the Kingdom on the earth in everything He did while in the flesh.