Blog Posts
Lessons for Life
Our blog articles uncover the pattern for guaranteed success found in scripture. Read the posts below and begin living the successful life you were created for.
New Birth, Part 2
Last week, we discussed the fact that the new birth -- being born again -- is foundational and necessary as the doorway into God's Kingdom. This week, we will take a look at the passage in Scripture where Jesus teaches about the new birth, and we will see how this truly is a multidimensional experience.
New Birth, Part 1
We must understand that entrance into the Kingdom is on an individual basis and is accessed and is accomplished by the new birth, or by the born-again relationship experience of our human spirit with the Spirit of the living God. Without this new birth of our spirit, we cannot see the Kingdom of God, its administration, nor its dispensation in our lives.
A Comprehensive Plan
Many believe the Kingdom of God is just for religious or spiritual things. Is that correct? Scripture teaches that the Kingdom of God is applicable to everything that we encounter, in everything that we do, and in everything about us. There are no excluded areas of our lives that are left out.
Everywhere You Go
Everything we do has a Kingdom application and a Kingdom functionality. Wherever we are, we are to represent and to birth the Kingdom into those situations. We are to present the face, the plan and the Kingdom will of our God everywhere.
All of Heaven Available on Earth
The Kingdom is where the power, the authority, and the dominion of Heaven reside on the earth. The Kingdom is the government of Heaven. This is where we go to access all of Heaven on the earth. Just as Jesus explained in His miraculous acts, He was engaging His Kingdom realm while He was on the earth. We also must engage His Kingdom realm. There is no other way.
Faith: The Currency of the Kingdom
Faith is the currency in the Kingdom of our God. Our acquisition is through our Faith. Faith is the imagery we create, and imagery that we see and what we confirm in our imaginations. We must believe and we must trust completely in what He and His Word declares to be true and to be accurate and we must present it to our mind (imagination) until we internalize the reality in our spirit.
Shaking the Old Systems
In last week's blog, we discussed the fact that it has been our Creator and Designer's plan all along to replace the present unworkable systems of this world with His Kingdom System. How will this come about? "...'Once and for all I will not only shake the systems of the world, but also the unseen powers in the heavenly realm!'” -Hebrews 12:26 TPT
An Everlasting Kingdom
In last week's blog, I mentioned God's amazing promise that His Kingdom System is to replace the order and the ungodly systems that dominate our world today. Let's examine this a little further.
A Realm and a Reign
The Kingdom of God operates as a realm (a different level of reality) and as a reign (a more powerful rule and authority). This realm and this reign represent a greater power and a higher authority than the present realm and the present authority of this present tangible world in which we live.
God's Total Order
The Kingdom of God has been described as “God’s total order, His total provision and His complete system and answer” for all of humanity’s needs. The Kingdom is presented and expressed as a higher realm or a greater dimension of reality than the realm we experience daily on our planet, the earth.
Engaging Heaven
How important is our connection with this higher realm for our engagement with the greater authority that is there for the success that Jesus described, and that Jesus taught was to be our life experience now? It is essential. We cannot achieve the success we are designed to enjoy unless we engage Heaven and Heaven’s realm.
Multidimensional Reality, Part 6
Can we engage this power and this authority to impact our situations, our circumstances, and our relationships now to bring them into alignment and into agreement with what our God says about our earthly experience? Yes, yes, yes.