The Character of Jesus

The Kingdom experience is demonstrated in and through the character of Jesus.
The life of Jesus on the earth was the personification of the Kingdom of God experientially. The Kingdom makes the character of Jesus possible, and able to be experienced and enjoyed by everyone who enters this Kingdom relationship. This experience makes being like Christ universalized. As Dr. E. Stanley Jones says, “Jesus made Christlikeness universalized for humanity.” He made it accessible and attainable for everyone.
While the Kingdom and its visible character come onto and into the earth realm in the time process, they are eternal. They represent the higher dimension and the higher realm of reality where we can, and where we do, access greater power and greater authority from what Jesus and the scriptures say by engaging what Jesus called the Kingdom of God.
When we say, “the Kingdom of God”, we are always talking about two distinct things. First, the Kingdom, (the government, the order, and the system, along with the rule and the reign), and secondly, the God and the King of the Kingdom: Jesus.
The King and His Kingdom are absolutes. They cannot, and they must not, be separated. The unshakeable kingdom and the unchanging person. The absolutes for our lives and for our living.
Dr. Jones said this about their relationship, ”the message and the man have come together in a living blend.” One is not complete without the other.