Merry Christmas from KSAM

Merry Christmas from the Kingdom School and Ministry team!
We pray for God's
richest blessings to overtake you as you celebrate the birth of Jesus.
He is Emmanuel -- God With Us -- and His birth, life, death, and resurrection changed everything for all eternity.
The virgin birth of the Son of God inaugurated God's Kingdom coming to earth to open the gates of heaven to all of humanity. All who come to and through Jesus now have access to the Kingdom. What a wonderful gift!
We do not have to wait until our time journey has ended to experience this gift. It is available here and now. We have the authority to call heaven to earth in every one of our situations, circumstances, and relationships. Hallelujah!
We hope you will gather near to your family, friends, and loved ones, and share the goodness of our Creator's love at this special time. This year has brought many challenges, and shown us the great importance of Family and Kingdom friendships. Through it all we know that all things work together and are fitting into a plan that is good to us and for us (Romans 8:28, AMPC). We lean on this promise daily. Thank you to so many of you who have prayed for, encouraged, partnered with, and given to us over these past few months.
May this Christmas be filled with love, joy, and peace for you and your family. Blessings from the KSAM team.