Engaging the Kingdom

These last few weeks we have looked at what it means to be born again. We discussed how the new birth is the entrance into the Kingdom of God, and how it is a multidimensional experience. But what we must realize is that after we are born again, the engagement of the Kingdom is optional. We must choose to engage. Engagement does not just happen. The access is there -- we are Kingdom citizens, and we are adopted into God's family -- but we must choose to engage and to participate in the Kingdom experience. We must believe and accept the provisions of the Kingdom, and we must engage the dynamics of the Kingdom and believe for and expect the results we are promised. Our outcomes follow our choices.
This is similar to the Believers that Paul addressed in Ephesus. He asked them had they received the Holy Spirit since they believed. They replied that they had not, and that they had not even heard about the Holy Spirit. He, the Holy Spirit God, was available, but they did not know they had to invite His fullness into their lives.
Have you received and engaged the Kingdom of our God in your life since you believed? This is an appropriate and good question for all followers of Christ. Let’s look further into what our engagement means for our lives.
"By contrast, we have already come near to God in a totally different realm, the Zion-realm, for we have entered the city of the Living God, which is the New Jerusalem in heaven! We have joined the festival gathering of myriads of angels in their celebration! And as members of the church of the Firstborn all our names have been legally registered as citizens of heaven! And we have come before God who judges all, and who lives among the spirits of the righteous who have been made perfect in His eyes!" Hebrews 12:22-23 TPT
With the new birth we have become a citizen of Heaven’s realm, which we know as the Kingdom of our God. We are not strangers or foreigners, but we are legally registered citizens of His Kingdom, and we have access to all that is in the Government of Heaven.
Access is not automatic engagement; it is automatic availability. Salvation, healing, forgiveness, and every other provision is there, and they are ready, and they are waiting for us to believe, to accept, and to act on our faith. Expecting the results of our Words. We must have faith. We must believe. We must engage.