The Story Hasn't Changed

While the Kingdom and its dispensation and its authority as a realm and a dimension of power may be new revelation or perhaps a new understanding for some, it is not new, nor is it even recent knowledge or understanding for humanity.
The first message from God to humanity when He was on the earth as Jesus was, “Keep turning away from your sins and come back to God, for Heaven’s Kingdom realm is now accessible.” (Matthew 4:17,TPT).
Some translations say to repent or turn from the conduct and from the behavior that we have learned from this world. We are to allow Him, the Holy Spirit God, to change our thinking so that we come into agreement with, we believe, we accept, and we expect what He says about us and about everything else on our time journey experience to be our reality.
From the very beginning of His earthly ministry, Jesus began teaching humanity to be aware of and to engage the reality of the higher realm of the Kingdom and to pursue passionately how we are to live on that level. One translation says that we are to be ravenously hungry for the understanding of His way of doing and of being right for us.
"But seek (aim at and strive after) first His Kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides." Matthew 6:33 - Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
Jesus puts the pursuit of the Kingdom realm front and center, and makes it the priority for any who would follow Him. By and large, humanity has failed to follow Jesus's direction for the past two thousand years since His time journey on the earth. But if we open our Constitution (the Word of God) and read with fresh eyes and an open spirit, we see that this is what Jesus has been saying all along. And it is time for us to take Him seriously by engaging heaven's realm and becoming hungry for His way of doing and being right.