Life at the Nexus

When we enter a relationship with the King and with the realm of His Kingdom, we must acknowledge, and we must first receive and engage both the King and His Kingdom. Both -- not just one of these, but both.
This does not just happen. We cannot continue to live our lives on this planet and in our time journey as we did before we received this understanding of our relationship with both the King and His Kingdom. We must now pursue everything in our lives from the vantage of the reality of this higher Zion realm and from the greater dimension of His Kingdom level of reality that we have chosen to access. This is how the Kingdom operates.
The Kingdom System is interactive, and as an interactive system we engage Heaven’s realm by the dynamics of our choices.
Our choices contain within them the inertia that leads to prescribed and predetermined outcomes that are contained in our personal selection of the choices of our actions. Our lives are lived at the nexus, the intersections where the two kingdoms come together, and we must choose continually and constantly. As long as we are in time and on this planet our having to choose will never end. Our lives are directed by our choices of action. Our lives follow our choices. Our outcomes follow our choices.