Multidimensional Reality, Part 3

The message of Jesus was completely and totally about the Kingdom realm, and the dominating power and conquering authority that are contained in this dimension that is provided to humanity by their having access to this dimension.
We have access to the realm that Jesus operated in. He was declaring that this access was and is now available on the earth. He identified this dimension as the Kingdom of God. This designation and the power that we have access to were addressed in Luke 11. Jesus delivered an amazing description of how powerful this access is for us now, on the earth.
Luke 11:20 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
"20 But if I drive out the demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God (the realm and the power provided in the Kingdom of God) has [already] come upon you."
Here Jesus declared that the Kingdom of God is here on the earth, now.
Next, in the 21st and 22nd verses, Jesus explains to us and for us the practical application of the power that He had just delivered and He had demonstrated to Humanity. He compared the realm that He was making available to the realm or the dimension that existed in the present atmosphere that surrounds Humanity on the earth. He was saying “this is how the kingdom system works.”
Luke 11:21-22 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
"21 When the strong man, fully armed, [[a]from his courtyard] guards his own dwelling, his belongings are undisturbed [his property is at peace and is secure].
22 But when one stronger than he attacks him and conquers him, he robs him of his whole armor on which he had relied and divides up and distributes all his goods as plunder (spoil)."
Jesus was declaring that the Kingdom realm is a higher dimension which is stronger and more powerful than the earthly realm in which we live. We are not held captive to the physical realm that we can see, touch, and feel. We have access to His Kingdom realm.