Blog Posts
Lessons for Life
Our blog articles uncover the pattern for guaranteed success found in scripture. Read the posts below and begin living the successful life you were created for.
It Begins in the Mind
How do we live and have our being in eternity and in our eternalness experientially? It all begins in our minds. We must reckon our minds to align with Truth, then we can act on our faith and produce fruit.
Beyond the Temporary
We are eternal spirit beings. We are designed to operate in and through our eternalness. Time is a temporary experience for us.
Eternal Dynamics, Part 2
Last week, we discussed what I've called the "dynamical reality" of life on earth, in our here-and-now. God created our whole universe as a system in which dynamics are at play constantly. Once we see this reality, we are able to see it playing out everywhere. Today, I want you to read the following scriptures and consider them from a dynamical position (instead of a religious one).
Eternal Dynamics
When we understand the impact of operating from the dynamical reality in the earth’s realm, our approach to obtaining our desired outcomes and to acquiring our chosen results will change.
Faith in the Kingdom
Faith is the currency of the Kingdom of our God. Exercising and acting on the substance of our faith is how we bring heaven to the earth.
Fellowship with the Father
A.W. Tozer said that the most important thing about you is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about God. Think about that. What comes to your mind? What is your concept of God? Are you enjoying fellowship with Him?
Eternity and the Church, Part Two
We are eternal beings who are designed and created to operate and to have our being in eternity and in our eternalness. Eternality is to be primary in our lives. So much of what we call "church" today is based in time and produces time-based results.
Eternity and the Church
Globally, humanity is searching for a Kingdom Church, a place where they are taught and led into a relationship with the Living God based on eternity and on their eternalness, guided by His Kingdom governance. A place where His Kingdom is taught, established, and practiced.
Is God's Kingdom Here Now?
Religion and religious people tend to paint God in an oppressively religious way, and it's important for us to recognize this and look at these topics with fresh eyes. In the same way, many religious people have completely misunderstood God's Kingdom.
Is God's Word Religious?
In society and in religious culture, God’s Word is often presented as the rules and the regulations that are provided for our compliance and for others to use in their adjudication of our actions.
Is God Religious?
Have you ever noticed how God has been made to be the most religious person who has ever lived?