Mind and Body

In last week's blog, we discussed the meaning of pneuma, or spirit. This week let's turn our attention to body and mind.
The word translated body is soma which means tent, tabernacle, or habitation. Our spirit lives in our body while our spirit is in time and in the earth realm. Our spirit gives life to our body. When our spirit leaves our body and departs time, our body ceases to live.
Our mind is the word psyche and is the root word for psychology, or the study of the mind. The mind is formed by and is the product of our emotions, our feelings, our intellect, our imaginations and our will. The mind stores and contains the programming of the information that we allow to enter there, or what we place there ourselves. Our mind serves as the databank where we store information for retrieval when and as needed.
As with the makeup of our Creator, all of our components function and operate as one. Their function and operation have impact on the other components of our design. To not understand our design and the operational design of our God and our King places one at a major disadvantage in the battle of kingdoms.