We Must Engage Heaven's Realm

The entirety of the life and the message Christ put forth on the earth, and that which is presented in scriptures, was the necessity for our awareness and our engagement in eternity and in our eternalness.
The references in scripture to the two realms, the earth realm and the heavenly realm, are presented and displayed throughout scripture. They are plain and they are easy to see. The scriptures declare that our God is Lord of both realms.
The teachings of scripture declare and demonstrate that while we are in time we are to engage heaven’s realm and bring Heaven’s realm to the earth as our primary and guiding standard for living in the earth realm. We are ambassadors of Heaven who are deployed and who are dispatched to the earth on assignment with a very specific mission. Our assignment has the full power of Heaven’s realm available to complete the charge of our deployment, our kingdom assignment on the earth. We have the authority to engage all of heaven for our lives in time.
The earth is not the standard for our abilities and capabilities while we are on the earth. Heaven’s realm and its government, its way of doing and of being right/correct are our operating agreement and our operating authority.