Blog Posts
Lessons for Life
Our blog articles uncover the pattern for guaranteed success found in scripture. Read the posts below and begin living the successful life you were created for.
What Does it Mean to be Eternal?
What does it mean to be eternal? People talk about "eternal life" frequently, but do we really understand this concept of eternality?
A Living Relationship
Without a living relationship with our Creator we are not capable of seeing into eternity and into our eternalness naturally. We must develop the ability through relationship with our God.
Death, Where is Your Sting?
Death of our body on the earth is a graduation, a promotion, and a good thing. No matter how it occurs.
Paradigm Shift
The Kingdom is eternal and if it is not about eternity, it is not about His Kingdom and should not be our first consideration. Recognition of this reality requires a paradigm shift and a new and different worldview for humanity.
We Must Engage Heaven's Realm
The entirety of the life and the message Christ put forth on the earth, and that which is presented in scriptures, was the necessity for our awareness and our engagement in eternity and in our eternalness.
Continual Fellowship
Our God’s plan is and has always been about a living, breathing, free-flowing relationship of continual fellowship and love where we spend time together and where we grow into a deep, abiding love for and communion with each other.
In Time and Eternity
We will not know how to be right or how to act and to live correctly in God’s Kingdom on the earth and in the earth realm if we approach life from time or from any other perspective. This is a major paradigm shift for humanity, but this is not optional. We must see, act, and live through the lens of eternity.
Eternal Foundation
Our first consideration and the foundation that we use to build our lives in time upon must be eternity and our eternalness. Our eternalness is to be the platform from which we address everything in our lives.
Treasure in Heaven
In the Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew, beginning in verse 19 of chapter 6, Jesus establishes a profound and fundamental principal for living our lives in time successfully without worry and without stress.
The Kingdoms of This World
When we learn to engage our God’s kingdom government through the Constitution that we are provided by Heaven for our governance (the Scriptures), we will learn to live without competition and without comparison and in harmony and with love for others. The day is coming when the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our God.