Power Through Relationship, Part Two

Last week we discussed how Jesus operated in miraculous signs and wonders through His relationship with the Father, and how He said that we would do even greater works than Him.
Somehow we seem to believe that these demonstrations are performances that are completely up to us. We have to be able to execute them by ourselves and of ourselves. Yet, Jesus was clear. He did nothing of Himself, He only did what He saw the Father doing. What Jesus described here was relationship based on eternality. The communion and the fellowship between Jesus and the Father was intimate and it was powerful. Our relationship can be no less. It appears that we are challenged by our concept of our identity, our origin, our purpose, our moral compass, and our destination. We do not know who we are, where we came from, why we are here, how we are to live and what happens when our spirit leaves our body and departs time.
Listen to what Jesus said about this in John 8:14 TPT:
Jesus responded, “Just because I am the one making these claims doesn’t mean they’re invalid. For I absolutely know who I am, where I’ve come from, and where I’m going. But you Pharisees have no idea about what I’m saying. - John 8:14 TPT
This was the understanding and the platform Jesus operated from while on the earth. His origin, His identity, and His destination were certain and they were established in His Spirit.