Renouncing the Relative

In last week's blog we discussed absolutes -- things that exist without being dependent on anything else. Now we turn our attention to the opposite idea: relativisms.
Anything or anyone else who depends on anything or anyone else for their existence and for their validity are considered to be relative, or a relativism. In other words, relativisms have a necessary dependence on something else for their validity and for their existence.
We as eternal beings are to live and to base our lives on our relationship with the eternal absolutes in our lives, and not on the changing relativisms.
There is a strong synergy that forms a very powerful energy between things that are eternal and the absolutes. We are eternal.
Sadly, most of religious teachings and the things the doctrines of our religious institutions are founded on -- what distinguishes and separates followers of Jesus from each other, and the things that become religious anchors -- are at best relativisms. They change. They are not eternal.
This should cause each follower of Jesus cause to stop and reflect. Ask yourself, "Am I following religious dogma, founded on relative ideas that cause division? Or am I following that which is solid, that which is absolute, that which is unchanging -- the Kingdom of our God?"