Engaging the Absolute

October 11, 2024
KSAM: Engaging the Absolute

Our past several blogs have dealt with the definitions and differences in absolutes and relativisms. This all leads us to a natural question: How do we engage and how do we correctly use the eternal absolutes effectively as founding choices in our lives?

First of all, we recognize that there are eternal absolutes and there are temporary and changing relativisms which are mostly based on culture and environment. Our lives must be lived and developed where we are not overcome or overwhelmed by the relativisms that we encounter, but where we fix our gaze on following the course that is established by the eternal absolutes. 

In Proverbs we are taught a process that is simple and effective. We are told that knowledge without wisdom profits us little. We are instructed that with all of our knowledge we must gain wisdom, which is knowing how to apply the knowledge to ourselves personally and experientially. We are also told that knowledge when engaged correctly as wisdom brings understanding, and understanding reveals how our acquired wisdom fits into our God’s plan for all of humanity. This is important.