Recognizing the Absolute

We are designed to have absolutes in our lives that do not change. We cannot function properly and effectively without recognizing and honoring the absolutes. The absolutes are to be primary and to be the rudders and the directional mechanisms for steering us to the correct choices for the living of our lives.
What are absolutes? Absolutes are things that exist without being dependent on anything else. They correspond to ultimate reality. Put another way, absolutes are values or principles which are regarded as universally valid or which may be viewed without relation to other things.
In our lives, the absolutes that govern and direct us are: God, His Word, His Kingdom, and eternality. These are all absolutes and they do not change. All of these are eternal realities, they do not depend on anyone or anything else for their existence, nor for their validity. They stand on their own without having to be upheld or supported by anything or by anyone else.
We will continue down this path next week, as we discuss the idea antithetical to absolutes -- that of relativisms.