Blog Posts

Lessons for Life

Our blog articles uncover the pattern for guaranteed success found in scripture. Read the posts below and begin living the successful life you were created for.

This Is Who I Am

October 29, 2021

This week I am sharing another declaration from my collection called Kingdom Activating Declarations. To live your calling as a Kingdom Citizen, you must know and you must creatively declare God‘s Word about yourself. You are who God says you are, not what the Defeated Satan says about you. Declare out loud who God says that you are.

You Have God's Favor

October 22, 2021

For today's blog, I want to share one of the declarations from the book Kingdom Activating Declarations. It's called "You Have God's Favor." I encourage you to read this declaration out loud, and let it penetrate your spirit as you read it. The power is not in the reading, but the declaring out loud. Delight in the Lord, and in His favor towards you!

The Power of Declaration

October 14, 2021

The creative power of words is amazing. It has been said that our words are “a self-fulfilling prophecy.” What we say – the words that come out of our mouth – are powerful and they are important. What we allow in our spirit and in our mind determines the words that we speak.

Totally Relational, Part Two

October 7, 2021

The Kingdom System is totally relational and operates by our correctly engaging the interactive system of Dynamics which contain within them the inertia that leads to the outcomes that He has planned for us, and that we innately desire to achieve. Our choice determines our outcomes: Kingdom or religion, regulation and compliance or Dynamics, time/temporary or eternity/forever.

Totally Relational, Part One

September 29, 2021

To change from a religious view of life (regulation and compliance) to a relational perspective (fellowship and communion) for the living of our life requires a paradigm shift in how we think, what we believe and how we choose to act.

The Dynamic of Eternity, Part Two

September 23, 2021

But Eternal Life is defined as life without beginning and without ending. We must understand that we live in that environment now. We experience the reality of eternity now. Where our bodies are mortal and temporary (ashes to ashes) our spirits already are eternal. We will never die. We will not "spend" eternity anywhere. Eternity does not "spend." It is forever. We are eternal beings now.

The Dynamic of Eternity, Part One

September 16, 2021

We -- all of humanity -- are eternal spirits. We live in a body and we are managed by our minds. The minds that we have programmed. Yet, eternity escapes us. We just do not go there. We do not get it. Eternity is not a factor in most of what we do.

Where Does Success Begin?

September 9, 2021

The pursuit of success is a lifetime quest. Success and the desire for success are part of our DNA. The desire to be successful is built-in to who we are. Every day the pursuit of success guides our thoughts, our actions and our desires.

Charlie Lewis

What Humanity Longs to Know

September 2, 2021

All of humanity is searching for the purpose of their lives. We want to know why we are here. Are we just matter, physical substance that is occupying time and space at rest mass, without influence and without consequence? Or, is there meaning to our life and purpose to our being here?

Time to Engage

August 26, 2021

Life is not a "Spectator Sport." If we choose to engage or if we choose not to engage, in reality we are engaged either way. Whether we are active or passive, we choose our outcomes by our choice of action. This may sound simple, but the outcomes are profound.

Our Constitution: God's Word

August 19, 2021

A Constitution is defined as a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed. For the Citizens of the Kingdom of our God and our King, the scriptures are our Constitution.

We Choose Life

August 12, 2021

Love and obedience describe the choice of an active, living relationship of fellowship. We choose life.