Kingdom Church, Part 5

Was it and is it our God’s plan to establish all of these religious organizations that gather billions of dollars of revenue each year just to support their facilities and their operations where their smallest expenditure is actual ministry and outreach? Does God approve of billionaire televangelists?
Have we lost our way? Have we left our Kingdom-First charge and accepted a substitute from the Mountain of Religion that is controlled and that is a development of the kingdom of darkness? Are we building Kingdom Churches or Church Kingdoms?
I am challenged, disappointed and dismayed by the moan and the expressed longings of humanity for a kingdom church experience and their inability to locate a kingdom church.
In casual and in serious conversation with humanity from all walks of life, the desire to experience a Kingdom relationship through a Kingdom Church is everywhere. There is a loud cry from our spirits for the Kingdom Church reality. We are tired of the empty and unfulfilling experience that we receive from a church kingdom.
We must fast and pray and study and believe our God for Church change, and we must act now. We do not have to settle for the status quo of a religious church experience.