Kingdom-System Understanding

For today's blog, I'm sharing the declaration "Kingdom-System Understanding" from Kingdom Activating Declarations (still available to download for free through the month of December). This declaration is an overview of the big picture of who we are, who God is, and how His authority operates in us when we appropriate the Kingdom System in our lives. I trust it will be a blessing to you today.
God, You created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. You created man and woman and You gave us dominion and authority. You instructed us to rule over and to manage the earth and everything on the earth. Everything on earth belonged to You God, because You created it all, and because You owned everything, You could do with it as You wished. You chose to give humanity authority and dominion over all the earth. (Genesis 1:1, 26-28; John 1:2-3; Psalm 115:16)
Man gave the dominion and authority that You, God had given him to rule over the earth to Satan. (Genesis 3:6) It was disobedience that separated human beings from God. What man lost through disobedience was his relationship with God, and all dominion and authority are relational. Therefore, humanity lost dominion and authority. God is the God of relationship; He created humanity for that purpose. Relationship requires fellowship. Fellowship requires time spent together. Time spent together requires the commitment to give the time. There are no shortcuts.
No relationship equals no authority nor dominion. God Himself came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ, Emanuel- God with us. You God, engaged and defeated Satan and took back the dominion and the authority that man had given to Satan. Having defeated Satan, You God gave access to that power back to man. (Matthew 16:19; Luke 10:19). While You God were on earth in the person of Jesus, You established and You delivered the System whereby human beings can live on the earth in complete victory and in a living, breathing, flowing relationship with You our living God. That system is the Kingdom System of our God. The Kingdom is Your complete and Your total order for everything. (Matthew 12:27-28; Luke 16:1-15)
All governments and authorities have requirements and commands that must be obeyed in order to be in the correct or right relationship with the ruling authority of that government in order to receive the benefits offered by that government. These values and principles are clearly shown and they are easy to understand. They are written in the book of our Constitution given to Humanity by our God and our King. We know this book as the Scriptures, or the Bible. This is our Great Book of Learning and the Great Book of Kingdoms.