Know What You Believe

In this day and age, it is vitally important to know what you believe -- to have a sure, unshakeable foundation of faith in the Creator and in His Word. The Kingdom of Darkness is constantly attempting to knock believers off of their foundation so they lose their power and effectiveness for the Kingdom of God (as Jesus said, the salt loses its saltiness). But if you and I will confess what we believe out loud, if we will speak out the goodness of our God and the beauty of His plan, His way, and His system, then we can withstand the attacks of the defeated Satan. I wrote this declaration long ago as a way to confess and exercise my faith, and to program my mind to be in line with the Word of our God about walking out His ways each day. Please use this declaration in your own life frequently. I am confident it will strengthen and encourage you.
Don't forget, you can still get a free download of my book Kingdom Activating Declarations right here for just a few more weeks. My team and I have decided to extend the offer of the free download through the month of December. Don't hesitate to get your own copy and begin utilizing these declarations daily.
Know What You Believe
Father God, the Charlie and Fran Lewis family, our Heirs and our Descendants Forever, Declare our allegiance and our passion for Your Word. We will shout with a loud voice and we will loudly proclaim Your goodness, and we will tell everyone of Your worthiness to be praised continually.
We commit our lives today, to obey Your Word and to follow Your instructions. We work to free those who are wrongly imprisoned. We lighten the burdens of those who work with us in the fields of labor that You have given to us. We secure freedom for those who are oppressed by the Kingdom of Darkness. We remove the chains that bind humanity. We share the food from our table with those who are hungry. We provide shelter to those who are without homes. We give clothing to those in need. We do not hide from our relatives who are in need.
Because we keep Your commands and because we walk in Your ways, our salvation is as dependable as the dawn. Our salvation is sure and our salvation is trustworthy. Our wounds heal quickly, Lord. You, Father God, have given us Your Godliness to lead us forward, and Your Glory protects us from behind.
When we call out to You, Lord, You answer quickly and you declare that You are always present to hear and to answer our petitions and our requests, and you do so Lord, you answer quickly and You answer lavishly.
Your light, Holy Spirit God, shines brightly out of our spirits into the darkness that is around us, and that darkness becomes as bright as the noon day sun. You, Holy Spirit God, guide us continually; You saturate us with water when we are dry. You abundantly restore our strength. We are like well-watered gardens and ever-flowing springs. We rebuild the deserted ruins of our cities and rebuild the walls of our cities for protection. We restore the homes that have been battered and torn by the deceits of the defeated Satan.
We maintain our relationship with You, Father, through continual fellowship. We spend time with You, our Father; You are our delight and our heart’s desire. Nothing that we desire compares to our passion for you. We live, we walk, and we have our being in the wonderful inheritance you have graciously provided to us through relationship. You bring great honor to us, Lord God.
We declare Your Goodness with a loud voice. We shout loudly about Your Faithfulness and we loudly proclaim Your unfailing Mercy. We loudly shout praises to Your name forever.
You are the true and the living God. You are the only wise God, our Father. There is no other God. Glory, honor, power, praises, and dominion continually be to You Father, now and forevermore. Amen.