The Power of Declaration

The creative power of words is amazing. It has been said that our words are “a self-fulfilling prophecy.” What we say – the words that come out of our mouth – are powerful and they are important. What we allow in our spirit and in our mind determines the words that we speak. We recite from the data that we place or allow into our spirit and into our mind. What we say must be intentional, calculated, and predetermined. To speak what the world, the kingdom of darkness, says around us can be devastating. We are told to program (renew) our mind by washing it with the water of our God’s Word. We are to declare the reality of His Kingdom by repeating what His Word says about us and about Him, and to do so out loud. The power is not in reading, but in declaring out loud. There is great power in doing this.
Years ago, I sensed God instructing me to begin writing statements -- I've often called them declarations or proclamations -- that I could read and confess out loud to activate my faith. These statements contained the Word of God, along with specific revelation God was giving me as I walked through various seasons and circumstances. These declarations have become a key part of my relationship with God. I confess these declarations as prayers over my family and myself frequently, and in doing so my faith is bolstered, my mind is programmed (renewed - Romans 12:2) with Truth, and my thoughts become agreeable with His will, causing my plans to prosper (Proverbs 16:3 AMPC). This is the essence of the Kingdom System.
I want to share with you an entire collection of declarations that I've put together into a booklet called Kingdom Activating Declarations. Click here to get a complimentary download of this book.
The process for using the declarations in this book is very simple, yet very profound. We read and speak the declarations (which are nothing more than Scripture laid out in conversational form) out loud. We do this over and over daily, and as we do so our mind remembers what He has said (you will soon realize that you've begun memorizing the Declarations without even trying to do so). We do not stop there. We continue to repeat His Words out loud until they become internalized in our spirit and they become who we are. His Words remind us in our situations, in our circumstances, and in our relationships that we are who He says that we are, and He is who He says that He is.
This process is life changing and calls all of the power of Heaven to the earth to impact our situations, our circumstances, and our relationships. We are engaging heaven and the angel armies of God. So I hope you will get your complimentary copy of Kingdom Activating Declarations and begin implementing the declarations in your personal time with the Lord. I cannot think of a more important practice than this to bring change and renewal in your life.