What Humanity Longs to Know

All of humanity is searching for the purpose of their lives. We want to know why we are here. Are we just matter, physical substance that is occupying time and space at rest mass, without influence and without consequence? Or, is there meaning to our life and purpose to our being here? There is a longing for hope, the knowledge and the assurance that there are good outcomes that are planned for our lives. Are there plans for us? If there are plans, we want to know what those plans are, how we engage them, and how we go after them with all that we are and all that we are capable of mustering. We want to know clearly and without doubt, how we are to live our lives so that we are successful in achieving our purpose and in fulfilling our destiny.
These questions and the desire for correct answers are universally held by all of humanity. To obtain accurate results for our search, we must know where to begin our search, what questions we are to ask, and where to find correct, verifiable answers to our questions.
For good and correct answers, we must begin at our origin, the place where our life in-time began for us. Are we merely the result of someone’s egg being fertilized by someone else’s seed and that is all there is to us? We have no plan and we have no purpose. Is it up to us to make the best of this life we have been given and hope everything turns out okay? Or, are we creatively designed by an amazing Creator and Designer who has provided a written plan of purpose for our in-time journey and for our eternity? Recorded history for thousands of years provides indisputable proof and absolute, verifiable evidence of the transcendent relationship that exists between humanity and their Creator. For humanity to live a meaningful life of successful purpose, there must be an open, continuous, and free flowing relationship of fellowship and communication between the eternal spirit of man and the eternal Spirit of their Creator and their God. Life is completely about eternity and not the temporary “things” of time.
For us to live successful and meaningful lives, we must know who we are. Not the trappings of our earthly lineage, but who we are forever before we became who we are in-time. There is a nexus where who we are in-time and who we are eternally and forever meet. Our consideration for living in time consists of the temporary and the horizontal plane where our body is now, and the forever and eternal plane, the vertical, transcendent relationship between our spirit and the Spirit of our Creator. This is where we came from and this is where we will be forever. All of our choices and all of our decisions in-time must be viewed from this vantage point. Our priority and the deciding factor for actions that we choose in the living of our lives must always be based on the forever, the eternal.