The Battle Rages On

The battle between Kingdoms has never been more evident. In every area of life the Kingdom of Darkness is battling the Kingdom of Light like never before. Sadly, many believe that is just the way things are. There is nothing you can do about it. What will be, will be. NO, NO, NO!!! That is not correct. We have a choice. Our King has provided a System for our victory. His System is the correct choice to the alternative systems of the world. You may not know about this System. You may not have ever heard about this System. Know that it is for real and that it works. It isn't difficult.
Why do we not clearly see something that is so clearly visible? Could it be we are looking at and comparing the wrong things? Media is so polarized and in your face with their position that we are bombarded with their realities, and truth and justice become obscured. We must be grounded in truth and justice. The Kingdom government of our God is the method and the plan for our success on this planet. The Kingdom is neither Republican nor Democrat, Conservative nor Liberal, Socialist nor Free trade. Our standard for truth and our agenda must be the Lamb's Agenda. As Sam Rodriquez so aptly described in his book on the subject, all of our effort and all our support must be for the Lamb's Agenda. That Agenda is clearly presented in the scriptures. There must be no doubt. From cover to cover the scriptures are about two Kingdoms, one King, one who wants to be King and the epic battle for humanity. Our identity must not become anything else. We are Citizens of the Kingdom of our God, the Kingdom of Light, and we must live and operate as Citizens of that Kingdom.
We live in a much different world than we did twenty years ago, or even ten years ago. Twenty years ago if someone seeking political office had run on a socialistic platform and had advocated the redistribution of wealth, they would have been destroyed by the media and no one would have considered them legitimate. What do scriptures say about socialism and the redistribution of wealth?
The Government was so concerned about monopolies in business in the eighties. They dismantled many efficient businesses for the sake of basically controlling their control. What can be done today about Google, Facebook, Twitter and others? "Trillion" dollar businesses. They have more information about individuals than anyone ever has before. What do they do with the information?
Every sphere of influence in our culture, every mountain of society has been invaded by the Kingdom of Darkness. Their ideas and philosophies sound good, but at their roots they are wrong and they lead to incorrect outcomes for humanity. We must not be deceived by their rhetoric. Their narrative is wrong. There is another choice, and it is the correct choice to the alternative systems of the world. The Kingdom System of our Creator and our Designer is the only place today that humanity can find truth, justice, and righteousness. Our Constitution is full of instruction how to make correct choices for good outcomes. There is no other standard for truth and justice. Our King rules from a throne that is founded on righteousness and justice. We must judge everything that we see and that we hear on the truth of our King's Word. His Word is eternal and will not fail.