Thoughts on Government, Part Five : Self-Government

The governments of this world always take actions that allow you, when you choose their plans for death over the plans of our God for life, to receive benefits and rewards that appear to be good, but in reality they are not. Actually what they are doing is facilitating a life without personal responsibility and without personal accountability. You will find this on every mountain of influence. Governments of this world are facilitators of evil.
Thankfully, we get to choose. We are created and we are designed to self-govern based on the values, the principles, and the established precedents that are provided to us by our Constitution, the Scriptures. What you may believe, and what I believe, are not the standard for our choices of conduct and for our behavior. Our standard is and must always be the uncompromising and unchanging Word of our God. Our Constitution is steadfast, it is sure, it is eternal, and we can and we must trust our lives to its provisions and to its truth.
When we self-govern using the unchanging Word of our God as our guide for our conduct and for our behavior -- and not accepting the destructive provisions of the governments of this world -- everyone wins. The governments of this world cannot legislate morality and right and wrong. They certainly try, and they believe that they can. They cannot. Humanity following their plans will always lead to death and to destruction.