Thoughts on Government, Part Two

Before Thanksgiving, we began discussing Government and how it intersects with and extends from the Kingdom of our God.
The Kingdom of God is in reality God’s redemptive totalitarian system without the corruption of the systems man and the kingdom of darkness have manufactured and offered through the history of man and even today - Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Humanism, and Socialism. Each of these offerings and any other "ism," always substitutes other things in the place of God, and for the function God is to provide and to occupy within His System.
Fascism made the state supreme. Naziism made the race supreme. Communism made the workers supreme. Humanism makes the individual supreme, and Socialism makes a completely false equality proposal supreme. All failed because they did not deliver what they promised. They were often just a different version of Marxism where lying and deceit are always the method and the disguise that is used to gain power and for the control of the populous, the common folk and those who certainly are not part of the elite.
Each method promised freedom; and each, when accepted and enacted, delivered bondage and slavery. They murdered and killed millions of their own people for control. Their motivations were all based on a temporary desire for absolute power and for absolute control that were and are all based in time.
None of them addressed eternity and humanity’s eternalness. It is amazing how many good people were and are fooled by their rhetoric and are deceived by their lies – millions, and maybe billions. Their lies and their deception continue today.
We will continue this series in the coming weeks.