Thoughts on Government, Part One

Government is a hot topic of conversation these days, with President Trump's reelection and all that is happening with the transition of power to his forthcoming administration. While this is important and newsworthy, I have been pondering the subject of Government from a different perspective. For weeks (probably more like years), we have been discussing the importance of viewing and living all of life from an eternal perspective. Lately, I have been asking myself, "What would it look like for Government to operate from the perspective of eternity and eternalness?"
What will follow are some of my thoughts spurred from this question -- certainly not an exhaustive list or comprehensive guide, just my personal observations in light of all that we have covered in our blogs up to now.
Government has taken over many of the assignments that we as Believers and as the Ekklesia are given the responsibility for in our Constitution, our governing agreement. To begin with, we are to govern ourselves using the values, the principles and the established precedents provided for us in the scriptures, which are our Constitution.
The mission of the Ekklesia was and is governmental. Most organized religion teaches that we are to stay away from government and the related politics, and they themselves run from the practice of discipline and correction that are found in our Constitution. Most of religion is void of any government except as it is necessary or useful to protect their particular relativism. It is more likely that they will use their perceived authority as a club to destroy those who disagree with their particular brand of relativism.
Have you ever seen a religious organization behave this way?
We will continue thoughts on this thread next week. Stay tuned.