Is God's Kingdom Here Now?

Over the past few weeks, we've been looking at some key ideas about God and the Bible, and how they have been warped by religion. Religion and religious people tend to paint God in an oppressively religious way, and it's important for us to recognize this and look at these topics with fresh eyes.
In the same way, many religious people have completely misunderstood God's Kingdom. Religion has made the Kingdom Government of our God -- the Kingdom System -- something for way off in the future. They have not denied it completely, but relegated it as a reward later in Heaven. Religion has not rejected the Kingdom now, but has reduced the Kingdom government of our God to an innocuous experience without power and without effect.
The Kingdom is our God’s total answer for humanity’s total need on the earth now and forever. Jesus said, “if I do this by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived, it is here and you can engage it now.” (Luke 16 paraphrased).
If we neglect this power, and the authority that comes from the awareness of this reality, and the power and authority that are provided to us by Heaven, we will not be able to engage Heaven’s realm nor will we be able to operate in His power on the earth.