Merry Christmas 2023

We are experiencing the most amazing time ever. Never before have we had the opportunity to have more impact. Our God has chosen us, You and I, to usher in His Kingdom in a way it has never been experienced before by humanity. The Lewis Family and the Team at Kingdom School and Ministry (KSAM) are excited. We are looking forward to and anticipating a great and a mighty move by the Holy Spirit God that will change our world forever. We will not be the same after this year and our awareness of our God’s generous provision and abundant supply for all of Humanity.
The need for a living, breathing relationship with our Creator is more evident than normal for everyone. Humanity is searching and many, if not most, are desperate. We are excited that we have the opportunity to share the reality and the Good News of the overwhelming love of our Father and His individual good plans for all and for each of Humanity.
We are excited about what's to come in the upcoming year, 2024. The table is set. Great and Mighty things are in store for us. The BEST is yet to come.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours. May His goodness and His favor overtake you today and forever.
Blessings beyond measure forever,
Charlie Lewis