Before I Formed You

The Holy Spirit God through Jeremiah said this about the different stages of our eternity. He provides a picture of how the different stages/components of our eternity (before here, here and now, and forever hereafter) impact our purpose, and our charge on the earth in and through the different stage of our eternity and our personal eternalness forever.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
-Jeremiah 1:5, AMPC
If we are “known before we enter our Mother’s womb,” then we had to exist before we entered time and our mother’s womb.
Scripture defines the real and forever component of who we are as spirit. The Greek word is pneuma, or essence or breath. Without breath, there is no life. Our spirit is who we really are forever.
Our Creator and our Designer created a home, a tabernacle, a tent – Greek word soma - for our spirit to live in while our spirit is in the earth realm. Our spirit, the eternal and the real us, existed before our body was formed. Our body gives our spirit physical and visible expression during our spirit’s time journey while we are on the earth. Our body remains on the earth when our spirit departs time for our hereafter. It is our spirit that gives our body life. When our spirit leaves our body, our body ceases to live.