Everything In Its Time

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 AMPC
Eternity and our eternalness are to be the foundation that we build our lives in time upon, and the platform and the perspective from which we address everything during our time journey.
This is very challenging for humanity on the earth. Eternity and our eternalness reflect our personal relationship with another dimension of reality. Another realm that is not tangible and that is not visible with our natural, earth born eyes in the earth realm.
If our eternity and our eternalness do not end when our spirit departs time and our here and now, does our purpose and our design end then?
The answer is obviously a resounding no. The gifts, abilities, and purposes God implants in each of us extend onward and outward into all eternity, because these things are deeply connected with our spirit -- the eternal part of who we are. The body passes away when it faces death in time, but then our experience out of time and in eternity truly begins.
There is so much more to eternity than most people have ever considered, or even imagined. Have you ever been taught this? I was never told or trained about the true nature of eternity and our personal eternalness from any preacher, teacher, or scholar. But for some time now, Holy Spirit God has been opening my eyes and revealing to me new facets of this thing we call eternity. I am excited to share and explore this with you here in the coming weeks.