The Mind is the Gatekeeper

Our hope is in Christ Jesus, and His Kingdom realm, alone. Nothing of this world is our security, nor our source, nor our supply.
We do not place any confidence in things that originate on this planet and are confined to this planet. These things do not transcend our present reality, and they do not go with us to our forever hereafter. They are confined to this planet.
Our gratitude enables our God to deliver the power and the authority of Heaven’s Realm to our situations, our circumstances, and all our relationships so they come into agreement and into alignment with what His Word declares about us and about everything.
Walking in the realm of Victory that is provided by the Kingdom Realm is a matter of agreeing and empowering correct choices in our lives.
Our emotions, our will, our intellect, our feelings, and our imaginations are all the product of our mind, and not of our spirits. Our mind is where the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness go to do battle. Our mind is the gatekeeper. This is where we decide and where we choose who will rule in our lives. We can choose to allow our spirit, our mind, or our body to determine our actions. Our outcomes will always follow our spoken words and our actions -- not our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our imaginations, or anything else.