Expecting Results, Taking Action

"For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation." -Romans 10:10, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
Our faith is the currency and the instrument that we use for exchange, or to obtain the products and benefits we find in the Kingdom realm of our God.
When we believe the Word of our God, we through faith write the check. We use our faith as the currency that we engage to acquire what we are believing for. For the check of our faith to be effective, it must be cashed. We must act on our faith.
Our faith is relative and must become active to the absolute Kingdom through our actions. When we engage our faith as currency to acquire or to purchase the promise that we have from our God, we are engaging His Kingdom Realm in our plans.
Our faith without our performing the corresponding action is not effective and does not profit us, nor anyone else. Jesus has seen all our tomorrows as well as our today. His rhema Word guides and directs our thoughts, our actions, and all our desires so that they become and are agreeable with His will and with His plans for us. Then, our plans are settled, and they are established, and our plans succeed.
Our hope is our confidence in the feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing that has been planted in our spirit and our mind by the Holy Spirit God to happen, and the absolute belief that it will happen.