Integrating the System, Part 3

The Kingdom represents (and is) a higher realm of reality. We cannot always see what is happening, or what is being manifest by that realm with our physical eyes, because often it is not initially visible with our human eyes. But when we accept and when we believe in our spirit (the eternal us, where our spirit mixes and mingles with the Spirit of the Living God) and when we believe what the Spirit of God is saying to our spirit – (Rhema), we at that time have/possess the title deed to what we are believing for from God. At that very moment in time we have what we believe.
Even before it is manifested in the physical realm, we have what we believe immediately when we believe that we have it. Although we may not see it immediately in the physical realm with our physical eyes, when we have the conviction and the assurance of its reality in our spirit and in our mind, even though it may not be manifest to our physical senses yet, none the less, it is real then. It is real, we possess it, and it exists then. This is Kingdom Realm reality and sadly, it works the same way for us when we doubt and when we do not believe what our God has said.
This is how we engage the Kingdom. The Kingdom is a different dimension of reality. It can be difficult to grasp at first, and challenging to believe, but the Kingdom dimension is more real than the physical realm around us. The Kingdom System is multi-dimensional - existing or traveling between different dimensional realities of space or time.
A system that supports simultaneous, alternate views of datasets is multidimensional. This earthly, sensory dimension will one day pass away and will no longer exist. But the Kingdom Realm of our God is eternal, and it is forever, as we are eternal. We must learn to accept, to agree, to engage, and to live in the expectation of the manifestations of the Kingdom Realm/dimension realities while we are here on the earth.