Patriotism and the Kingdom?

I have always been uncomfortable when we in America appear to present the gospel in an almost equal relationship and value with patriotism. I love America. But the government of America is not the government of Heaven. I am praying and I am believing that one day, our government along with all the governments on this planet and in our world will become the Kingdoms of our God and His Christ and our King will reign over them forever, but that is not the reality now. The Kingdom of God is the government of Heaven.
I have asked are we offering the Kingdom of God, or are we presenting the American way of life? The central theme and the primary message and our charge from our King is to present His Kingdom Realm and its reality and power for humanity. Until the government of America becomes the Kingdom of our God and until He reigns over the affairs of our government, we will have our racial, economic and class challenges because of the greed and because of the corruption of this world. The kingdoms of this world are directed and are influenced by the kingdom of darkness. No government will ever replace His government – the Kingdom Government of our God.
Humanity continues desperately to seek today. What are we showing them and what are we demonstrating to them by our conduct and by our behavior?
The Kingdom of God is our Creator and our Designer God’s System and His Plan for total order. It is His government on the earth as it is in Heaven. The Kingdom is expressed as a realm or as a higher dimensional plane with greater authority and with greater power than the dimension man experiences on the earth in our earthly atmosphere. The Kingdom is described as a reign or as government (the government of Heaven) that our King, Jesus has made available for all of humanity to engage.
“Why here is the most radical proposal ever presented to the mind of man, the proposal to replace the present world order with God’s order, the Kingdom of God.” - H.G. Wells