And Then the End Will Come

Jesus did not have evangelistic crusades or healing meetings. He had Kingdom meetings where all the things that we appear to have made central, and the relativisms that have served to divide us into groups, were considered ancillary results of gaining a Kingdom Realm understanding and from establishing a personal Kingdom Realm engagement and relationship through our King, Jesus. An absolute with no division.
I am not taking away anything from these specific doctrines or discrediting them in any way. All those doctrines are important. Very important.
But they were and they are not the central message of Christ and were not a hill on which we are to establish a Kingdom.
We must understand that they are relativisms that relate to the absolute Kingdom of our God, which is the central theme and the primary message of the Gospel of our King, the unchanging and absolute person of Jesus. They were the results of encountering the Kingdom realm and its understanding and then having a personal Kingdom realm engagement experience with and through Jesus our King.
Which of these doctrines did Jesus say must be preached before the end come? Interestingly, this is a very enlightening announcement for our consideration of priorities from our King.
"And this good news of the Kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end."
Matthew 24:14, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition