Answers From Jesus

Isn’t it interesting how and why Nicodemus came to Jesus with his questions, and even more interesting and enlightening how Jesus answered him?
I cannot find where Jesus taught the doctrines the way that we teach them today. The primary theme and the central message of Christ to humanity when He was on the earth was the Kingdom realm of God.
Nicodemus wanted to know how does one enter and engage this Kingdom realm, and how can I become a member/citizen of this kingdom? The conversations Jesus had with people (as in the woman at the well in John 4, and Nicodemus John 3) were always answered in terms of eternity and from the position of their personal eternalness.
Jesus did not teach salvation, sanctification, redemption, holiness, faith, healing, deliverance, and any other doctrine in the same manner that we do. It appears that Jesus taught these experiences only as they related to and as they were and are relative to the Kingdom realm of our God.
Jesus always answered the questions that humanity asked of Him in the Kingdom realm of eternity and in our personal eternalness. Is that how and where we are to live and how we are to respond to our questions about our humanness, on our temporary time journey? I believe the answer is obvious.