The Church's Great Omission

Throughout history, when man has embraced a totalitarian system devised by other men, what they were really looking for was the system of the Kingdom government of our God that Jesus Himself delivered to the earth.
Sadly, they did not know that the Kingdom of God even existed and was what they were looking for. And the church did not tell them. The church had opportunity, but the church chose to share other things with them, things that were relativisms themselves.
The church did not share the universal Kingdom of our God with them. The church shared divisive doctrines of relativisms instead of the eternal, unshakeable Kingdom of our God.
As E. Stanley Jones says, the church became wrapped up in the issues of the day: fundamentalist vs. modernist; the social gospel vs. the individual gospel; racial integration; the secular church; long hair vs. short hair; beards vs. non-beards; the church-building orgy; then vestments and candles and robes; conversion; abolition of poverty and the ghettos – every issue except the Kingdom of God.
The time has come for us to correct this great omission. It is time for all believers in Jesus everywhere to return to the words of our Master, to return to that which is eternal, unshakeable, and absolute. All of our lives must point to, flow from, and have our being in the Kingdom of our God.