
Religion, government, and all the spheres of culture in our world are full of relativisms that are presented as absolutes. In reality, most of their doctrines and their positions are only relativisms disguised as absolutes. Their action and their reaction to the Kingdom System of our God clearly identifies their false doctrines and their incorrect positions. Many present their ideas as a totalitarian, all-inclusive and all-encompassing system. They are only relativisms manufactured by man for man, primarily to control other men. As Dr. E. Stanley Jones said, “they are half-gods.”
Not a single totalitarian system that has ever been offered to humanity, other than the Kingdom of our God, has survived when accepted and inaugurated by humanity. They all have eventually exposed and even created their own corruption, and they all end in slavery, servitude, and complete loss of freedom for humanity. They have failed humanity as a system that provides an absolute, unshakeable method for life.
Next week we will look further into these "half-god" totalitarian systems, and see their utter untenability -- especially when compared with the Kingdom System of our God.