You Can't Take it With You

Last week we discussed the importance of making choices in light of eternity, rather than based solely on our here-and-now earthly experience. We determined that Kingdom choices are purpose-based and eternity-driven.
A simple, real-time example of this is our earning plan. This is what we do to receive an income. If our earning plan is not to fulfill our giving plan, we are pursuing the wrong kingdom and we will never achieve the level of abundance/success that our God has planned for us through His Kingdom.
If we are to live in the Kingdom realm of our God, we pursue the things with a transcendent value and things that are not confined to this planet. Our pursuits are beyond, or above, the range of normal (or merely physical) human experiences. The things that we pursue are of God and from God.
Our desires exist apart from and are not subject to the limitations of the material universe. Our pursuits must be transferrable to the next component of our eternity, our forever hereafter. As the old saying goes, "You can't take it with you." If we are living in the Kingdom realm, our focus will never be to accumulate the things that we can't take with us into eternity (though we will likely have some of those things, they just won't be the focus of our pursuits). Instead we will seek above all else eternal things -- God's Kingdom and His way of doing and being right -- and trust that all the earthly things we need will be added to us (see Matthew 6:33 in the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).