Kingdom Justice

Adam and Eve chose the Law over relationship. They reasoned in their minds that the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong would make them like God, and they would have the power to rule their own lives. That did not work then, and it does not work now. They chose to substitute what is “right” for what is “legal”.
This is the method that our Government and our world operates and functions under today. The method of governance that our God and our Creator designed and provided for us to live successfully in relationship with Him and with all of humanity is everyone simply doing what is right. Doing what is right provides justice for everyone.
Justice is founded in eternity and does not change. The two pillars that hold up and support the rule of our God are justice and righteousness, being in right relationship with our God. Our God began His method of fellowship and communication with humanity in the garden through relationship and that remains His plan and His desire/choice today.
Humanity’s obsession with what is legal over what is right always results in corruption. Execution of judgment is no longer based on justice and what is right.
In our legal systems today, justice is not the consideration and most of the time is not possible without divine intervention. Man has substituted his thoughts, his ideas, and his opinions that are based on situations, circumstances, and on particular relationships that always advantage them. This results in their creating a new standard of what is legal and not what is right, or the administration of justice.
This is humanism in its purest form. And who oversees all of this and who administers and dispenses the results that have little to do with justice (what is right)? Government. Government gives all the power for judgment to the highest paid attorney in the room. This really is a travesty. This is a mockery, an absurd misrepresentation of justice.
In the coming weeks we will continue to explore the concept of Kingdom Justice, and how it applies in our world today.