The Kingdom Perspective: Building for Eternity

Are we building our eternity or are we building an experience that will expire with time? Are we building a Kingdom life, or a life kingdom?
Are we building a Kingdom Family or a Family Kingdom?
Are we building a Kingdom Business or a Business Kingdom?
Are we building a Kingdom education or an education Kingdom?
Are we building Kingdom relationships, or relationship kingdoms?
Are we building a Kingdom ministry or a ministry Kingdom? I have supported and participated in many ministry kingdoms believing that they were Kingdom ministries.
Seeking the Kingdom first, and His way of doing and being correct, is an everyday, all the time charge for every area of our lives. No area of our life is to be left out. The process and the results are not difficult to distinguish. We can determine and we can know with certainty.
The Holy Spirit God speaks clearly and continually to our spirit, and we know. We hear and we recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd; we hear, and we know the voice of our Father, and the voice of a stranger we will not follow. We are to roll our works (everything that we do) upon Him. We are to commit and trust our works (all of our efforts in every area of our life) completely to Him. He will cause our thoughts to become agreeable with His will and our plans will be established (confirmed) and our plans will succeed.
Everything that we are and all that we do must be considered from the Kingdom perspective -- every minute detail. We cannot neglect any area of who we are. What we neglect will destroy us, or as scripture says, it will “trample us.”