The Kingdom Perspective: Before Here

Understanding that we are Creatively Designed by our Creator and our Designer, our God, before we are born and before we enter our “time” on this planet, for our unique purpose/charge/assignment/destiny in/for our Eternity is both foundational and fundamental.
Our experiencing the contentment, the fulfillment, and the achievement of our purpose here, on this planet, and for our finding the answers to our questions about “who we are and why we are here” and the mystery of who we are designed to be and what we are charged to be in the here component of our eternity, begins and rests on our awareness of this understanding.
We must know that the greatest consideration for our here and our now, and for our hereafter, is designed by our Creator to be our before here. How and what we were designed and programmed to be, and what we are to accomplish, is written for us before we are born by our Creator and our Designer. In all of the specific and unique areas of our lives, we must approach how we think, what we believe and how we choose to act from this vantage point.
We are not just occupying time and space while we are at rest mass, without influence and without purpose. There are very specific and very detailed plans for us. They are written in His book. They are for good and not for disaster. His plans for us are good to us and they are good for us.
Where can we go to get away from His plans for us? Wherever we go, He is there waiting for us. No matter where we go, His hand will guide us, and His strength will empower us to pursue and to follow His plans for us.