Commitment to the Word

I am continuing to share declarations from the book Kingdom Activating Declarations, available at no cost to you here. This particular declaration is foundational to any Kingdom Citizen, because it is through the Word of our God that we truly are able to understand and get to know the character, the love, and the personality of our God. It is through the Word that we are able to renew (program) our minds with the Truth, and thereby change the way we live. My prayer is that as you use this declaration in your personal time with the Creator, He would strengthen you and bolster your faith greater than you have ever experienced.
Father, in the name of Jesus, the Charlie Lewis Family, our Heirs and our Descendants Forever, we declare that We commit ourselves today to walk in Your Word. We recognize that Your Word is integrity itself —Your Word is steadfast, Your Word is sure, Your Word is eternal—and we trust our lives to the provisions of Your Word.
You have sent Your Word forth into our spirits and into our minds. We let Your Word dwell in us richly in all wisdom. Your Word does not depart out of our mouth. Your Word is all that we speak. We meditate in Your Word day and night so that we may diligently act upon Your Word. Your Word is the incorruptible seed that is abiding and that is living in our spirits and in our minds. Your Word is growing mightily in us now; Your Word is becoming dominant and Your Word is producing Your nature and Your life in me.
We thank You, Father, that Your Word is our Counsel - Your Word gives us insight and your Word gives us direction; Your Word is our shield - Your Word forms a hedge of protection around us that the Defeated Satan cannot penetrate; Your Word is our buckler - Your Word keeps us upright and connected to You, You are our complete Source and our complete Supply; Your Word is our powerful weapon in battle that always gives us victory. Your Word is the lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path. Your Word makes our way straight before us, and we never ever stumble or fall because our steps are ordered by Your Word.
We recognize the strategies and the deceits of the Defeated Satan, and We put a stop to them by speaking Your Word out of our mouths in faith.
We are confident, Father, that You and Your perfect plan for our lives are at work in us, to lead is to both want to do and then to do your Good Pleasure. We exalt Your Word. We hold Your Word it in the highest esteem. We give Your Word first place in our lives. We boldly and We confidently declare that our spirits and our minds are fixed upon You and we are established on the solid foundation of the Living Word of God. Amen.